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Oct 6, 06 - 11:27 am

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For those of you who come to read my Unusual Trivia page, I just did another round of updates.

As a teaser, one of the updates I find very interesting:

The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is uncopyrightable.

I actually find them all interesting, so what are you waiting for? Go check them out now! :)

If you know of any unusual trivia that should be on my page, let me know and I’ll add it to my ever growing page giving you full credit if you’d like.

Also, if you’ve provided some unusual trivia to me in the past and I didn’t include a credit link and you want one, let me know that too and I’ll get you fixed up.

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Oct 4, 06 - 11:46 am

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As most of my friends and readers know, I’m a huge fan of classic video games; you know the ones that took a single quarter to play from the early 1980’s to early 1990’s.

Most of the video arcade games from back then actually had some entertainment value and didn’t involve being a gangster or a car thief. Amazing.

The sad thing is almost all of my favorites are virtually impossible to find in a modern arcade but thanks to projects like MAME and my personal video game collection, I can play them any time I want.

Ok, moving on to the reason for this post… last night I was talking with a few of my classic video game collecting friends about what we felt were our personal top 20 games that we actually own either the full upright or cocktail table version in our collections, so without any further delay, here is my personal top 20 list:

  1. Ms. Pac-Man
  2. Tempest
  3. Pac-Man
  4. Centipede
  5. Galaga
  6. Asteroids
  7. Star Wars
  8. Donkey Kong
  9. Tron
  10. Joust
  11. Donkey Kong Junior
  12. Robotron: 2084
  13. Defender
  14. Space Invaders
  15. Frogger
  16. Battlezone
  17. Galaxian
  18. Space Duel
  19. Q*bert
  20. Dig Dug

It’s great having my own personal arcade. Everything is set to free play. No quarters required. I’ve spent many years and 1,000’s of dollars to restore and revive my childhood memories of the local arcade.

I’m a hero to the kids in my neighborhood when the garage door is open but sometimes I have to be a bully and kick them out. I’m not a baby sitter… but it is nice to let the youth of today see what real arcade fun and entertainment is all about.

It does take up a lot of room having full size games in my garage but it’s so cool when I have friends over for a BBQ or just to hang out and remember the days of playing Galaga as a kid.

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Sep 15, 06 - 6:08 pm

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DD-WRTEarlier today Brain Slayer released DD-WRT version 23 Service Pack 2 with a ton of performance enhancements, added features and bug fixes.

I would say this is the most stable version of DD-WRT that I’ve run on my wireless router to date.

If you’re unfamiliar with DD-WRT, it’s a third party firmware for the Linksys WRT54G/GS/GL and various other 802.11g wireless routers based on a similar Broadcom reference design.

These routers run Linux from the factory, and as such, their source is released under the terms of the GPL.

So what is needed to run DD-WRT? Here’s a list of the basics to get you going:

  1. A computer (Windows, Linux, Apple/Mac).
  2. A broadband internet connection (DSL, Cable, or similar)
  3. A Linksys version 1-4 WRT54G/GL/GS router or other supported router.
  4. The DD-WRT firmware image from The DD-WRT Project.

For users with the WRT54G/GS version 5 or 6, you’ll need to use the micro build of DD-WRT, so if you’re going to be buying a new router be sure to try and find a version 1-4.

I suggest at least a version 2 because Linksys started using a faster processor in the version 2-4’s. The WRT54Gv7 is not supported by DD-WRT.

Where do I get a Linksys router you might be asking yourself? Well a Linksys router can be ordered directly from the internet via NewEgg, Amazon or even eBay.

Before you go flashing your router and turning it into a brick or door stop, be sure to read the included documentation with the DD-WRT distribution files.

If you need any help or advise, just ask me as I’ve flashed 100’s of these routers for myself, family, friends and clients without any issues.

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Aug 27, 06 - 4:04 pm

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From time to time people ask me what kind of computer equipment I use in my personal and work life and I always answer them with a detailed reply.

Well today I decided it was time to add a dedicated page to my site where I can list my hardware.

Why you ask? Well this way for all the people who are curious, they’ll have just one page to check and when I upgrade something, I can add it to the page. Simple, clean and nice.

You can get to my new hardware specifications page directly from my about page.

For good measure, here is a direct link to my computer hardware page as well.

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Aug 19, 06 - 10:36 pm

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Accepted Movie PosterThis evening I went out to the movies and saw Accepted. A lot of people said the movie would be dumb or boring.

Well let me tell you this movie was really funny, it moved at a nice pace and if you’ve ever gone to college or know someone who might be going to college, this movie is a must see for sure.

The movie Accepted does have a lot of childish humor and will most likely appeal to guys more then women, but I do suggest seeing it anyway, besides I did see it with two girls, both of which said “oh, this is going to be dumb” but laughed through out the entire movie and in the end really liked it.

I personally feel that the official movie critics don’t do it justice.

The plot outline:

Bartleby Gaines (Justin Long) gets rejected from every college to which he applies, so he starts his own, the South Harmon Institute of Technology in an abandoned mental hospital to keep his parents and those of his equally academically challenged friends off his back but when one of his buddies (Jonah Hill) puts up a fully functional web site for the university, Gaines finds his fake school filling up with real students.

The university’s “founders” soon implement a curriculum of skateboarding and partying and of course, find themselves battling the stuffy, all-business dean of the real Harmon University (Anthony Heald) and his golden boy toadie (Travis Van Winkle).

This movie is every high schooler’s dream: going to a college with courses like Preparing the Perfect Slurpee, Motorcycles in the Swimming Pool, Slacking 101, 201, 301, 401. Majoring in tank tops or heavy metal and even how to blow stuff up with your mind.

I really enjoyed this movie and I’ll be sure to purchase the DVD when it’s released.

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Aug 17, 06 - 10:52 pm

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First off, sorry for not updating for a couple of days. We’ve been super busy checking out the sites like the Japanese Garden and the Seattle, Washington Space Needle, resting from all the walking, taking lots of pictures and trying to stay off the computer but I figured that it was time for an update with some of the latest pictures from Oregon.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, some amazing waterfalls from the beautiful State of Oregon that we visited on August 15, 2006. I won’t go into a long description as the photos speak for themselves but I will put the name of each waterfall:

Latourell Falls:

Latourell Falls

Wahkeena Falls:

Wahkeena Falls

Multnomah Falls:

Multnomah Falls

Horsetail Falls:

Horsetail Falls

As you can see, these waterfalls were just amazing and the lo-resolution versions I posted don’t due them justice. I took multiple shots of each waterfall as well, I just don’t want to post them all until I get a nice gallery plugin or stand alone gallery script for my site.

Keep in mind that I did take very high resolution pictures, so I’ll be able to get some nice prints done to frame for around the house, turn into screen savers, computer wallpaper or even into nice greeting cards for family or friends.

I hope you enjoy the photos. Comments always welcome.